

Mask Reminder

Posted on October 29 2021

Friday, October 29, 2021 - Unfortunately, the pandemic is not over and this is a friendly reminder that health measures remain in place while the province is still in a state of public health emergency.…

Regular Board Meeting Highlights, October 29, 2021

Posted on October 29 2021

Friday, October 29, 2021 - The Board of Trustees is pleased to share with all education stakeholders the highlights of our recent Board meeting held virtually on Friday, October 29, 2021. The adopted…

CFL Mourns the Loss of Naomi Keith

Posted on October 29 2021

Friday, October 29, 2021 -  Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, It is with great sadness that we inform you of the sudden death of a student who was enrolled at Connections for Learning, and had previously…

Vaccinations In PSD

Posted on October 28 2021

October 28, 2021 - Parkland School Division will take additional steps to protect students and staff in this global pandemic in the form of a Vaccine Protocol for adults connected to the school system. …

Strong Families November Sessions

Posted on October 26 2021

Parkland School Division is proud to partner with Alberta Parenting For The Future to present these upcoming FREE information sessions for local families. Emotional Regulation In this Strong Families…

What's New in the Grade 6/7 Stony Creek Program?

Posted on October 26 2021

Wow, what a busy start to our new year!  All the students are settling in and continuing to get to know each other.  It has been wonderful to have new additions to the class, joining our learning community,…

CFL Families...Terry Fox Update!

Posted on October 20 2021

Congratulations to all staff, students and parents that participated in the Terry Fox Run! Wait to go CFL Family! We raised a total of $545.15. A big shout out to all of you! Great job! Thank-you all…

2021 Election Results

Posted on October 18 2021

October 18, 2021 - The unofficial results are in from the 2021 Municipal Election and Parkland School Division will have a new look Board of Trustees. Heading into election night, two trustees retained…

Grade 9 Podcast - Variety of Topics!

Posted on October 18 2021

The Grade 9 class just finished completing podcasts on topics of choice. These topics ranged from mental health issues to travelling to Mars! Of course, there were many topics in between! Please click…

What's Happening in Parent Partnership?

Posted on October 15 2021

Evidence and Investigation with Grade 6! Science is happening in Parent Partnership! Mrs. English is out with her grade 6 group discovering how stride length and print depth is dependant on height, weight…

World Mental Health Day

Posted on October 7 2021

October 10, 2021 marks World Mental Health Day, as recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and countries all around the globe. It also marks nearly 19 months since the start of the COVID-19…

Outbreak Reporting in Schools

Posted on October 6 2021

October 6, 2021 - Further to the Government of Alberta's announcement on changes to Managing COVID-19 in Schools, one of the more pertinent changes to point out is that the definition of a COVID-19 ‘outbreak’…