Parent & School Responsibilities

To ensure an effective Home Education experience, both the parent and the school must communicate, collaborate and take charge of their responsibilities.

Parent Responsibilities 

  • Communicating and cooperating with the school 
  • Notifying the school annually of their intent to home educate their child
  • Referring to the Home Education Handbook when starting or refining their home education program
  • Taking the lead in planning, managing, providing, evaluating and supervising their children’s courses of study
  • Developing a home education program that enables the student to achieve appropriate learning outcomes, and submitting this program plan to the school
  • Choosing the curricula (which may or may not follow Alberta curricula)
  • Choosing learning resources, learning activities, instructional strategies, and assessment activities
  • Meeting at least three times annually with the Home Education Teacher to collaborate and evaluate student progress

School Responsibilities 

  • Communicating and cooperating with parents 
  • Providing a certificated teacher to collaborate and support parents with their Home Education plans
  • Providing assistance and advice upon request to improve student learning
  • Meeting with parents to evaluate student progress by reviewing the student's portfolio and making recommendations to help them improve
  • Collaborating with parents to ensure that each student meets their parent's educational outcomes in accordance with the Home Education Regulation