What's New at MY PATH?

MY PATH Students Lead Enviromental Initiative in our Community!
As an extension of our Environmental Stewardship course, a group of Grade 7-9 My PATH Program students will be participating in the Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) program in 2021-22.
The Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) program is for grades 7-12 youth and teachers across Alberta. AYLEE provides youth with opportunities to connect with like-minded youth; learn about the environment, energy, and climate change; collaborate on projects that advance environmental education and climate action; present at and host various environmental and/or education related meetings and events across the province; and take action within their schools to help build a brighter, more sustainable future. For more information about AYLEE, visit
Our AYLEE committee will meet twice per month after school to plan a community project as well as attend local AYLEE meetings and events. Watch for updates from this student leadership group!
MY PATH Students Artwork Wins Contest!
My PATH students combined their love of art and active travel by submitting artwork for the Active Transportation Banner Design Challenge, a partnership initiative between Parkland School Division 70, the Town of Stony Plain, and Ever Active Schools.
We are excited to announce that some of our submissions were selected and will be displayed on banners along Golf Course Road in Stony Plain. The banner unveiling will be on October 1.
The Active Transportation Banner Design initiative (funded through an Inside Education A+ for Energy grant) is part of a larger Ever Active Schools’ project called Explore Your 2.4. Explore Your 2.4 is a movement that aims to revive community walkability through youth engagement. Since September 2020, EAS has been working with the My Path Program students to implement this program that is funded through an EcoCity grant (Alberta EcoTrust, City of Edmonton, Edmonton Community Foundation).
Ever Active Schools is a registered national charity designed to create and support healthy school communities. They engage and support schools through a Comprehensive School Health approach.
My PATH Program provides enhanced learning opportunities in physical education, arts, technology and health for students in grades 1-9, who attend Connections For Learning school. My PATH students travel actively to various locations within a 2.4 km radius of CFL. Our mission is to prepare students for a lifelong path to good health by offering programming that encourages movement, creativity, strength of character, learning in all environments, and giving back to your community.