Returning CFL Families!

Hello CFL Families! Registration is now open!
It is that time of year again for registration for the upcoming school year 2022-2023!
It is hard to believe that we are already 3/4 done this year! We hope that you all are coping well with the challenges that we have all had throughout the past few years during the Covid pandemic. It has been difficult for many parents, staff and students but we continue to support each other and be positive that we will persevere through it! Here are a couple dates to remember and that are key to hold a spot in your desired program. Please complete your returning registration student information on PSD website.
March 14, 2022 - Deadline for Returning CFL Students to hold spot reservation in program of choice
March 28, 2022- Start of Approval for Early Bird Applications
May 1, 2022 - Transportation request deadline without penalty fee
We will have a High School Open House for March 10th, 2022 @ 6:30 pm for these programs: YOUR, Building Futures, PSAA and Virtual Learning. Please click on the link CFL High School Open House to join.
Our Kindergarten Virtual Learning Open House will be held on Feb 16 @ 6:00 pm. Please click here Virtual Kindergarten to join.
We will also have a K-9 Open House for March 9th, 2022 @ 6:30 pm for the following programs: Stony Creek, PSAA , MyPath and Virtual Learning. Please click on the link CFL Open House K-9 to join.
Please check out all our programs here: CFL Programs
We wish you a successful and healthy rest of the school year and look forward to seeing you all in the fall! If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office for assistance.
Please note that Registration for Parkland School Division Closes March 18 2022. CFL will continue to accept new registrations after March 18th on a first come, first served basis, space permitting. Any registrations received after March 18th fall under the Transportation Department policy for late registrations.