Local Business Spreads Kindness to CFL Students

Stony Plain Dental Centre, owned and operated by Dr.Zahra Gangji, is a local business that goes beyond dentistry when caring for smiles in our community.
They have always been an organization that fosters and promotes kindness in their community with various initiatives over the years. But when Covid hit, they saw more patients and community members suffering both financially and mentally. So early 2021, they set out to provide more help to the community through random acts of kindness. First, they started by partnering with local businesses and buying people coffee and groceries. Then they expanded it and asked the community to nominate a family going through financial hardships. In doing so, they learned how financial difficulties were a contributing factor to the rise in mental illness. They wanted to do more to help and started the Community of Kindness Program in 2021.
Through this program, they have donated over $22,000! All contributed from Stony Plain Dental Centre alone. Their hope is that next year and moving forward, other businesses will partner with them and contribute to spreading random acts of kindness throughout our community.
“Everyone can act; you do not need funds; you can volunteer at the hospital or the Parkland Foodbank (pending restrictions). There is always more than one way to do random acts of kindness. We would love any help that the community business and residents can offer. Thank you!” Dr.Zahra Gangji, Stony Plain Dental Care.
Connections For Learning school has benefited from the Community of Kindness program having received $6,000 for this school year to help our students participate in a variety of physical education, arts, and wellness programs to support their mental and physical health. In addition, through this partnership, we are able to offer scholarship opportunities for students applying to the My PATH Program or Parkland Student Athlete Academy for 2022-23.
For more information on the Community of Kindness Scholarship program, please visit https://cfl.psd.ca/parents/scholarships.
On behalf of all students, families, and staff at Connections For Learning School, thank you Dr.Zahra Gangji and the caring team at Stony Plain Dental Care!