Stony Creek Core Spring Update!

The Core program holds philosophies of cooperation, teamwork and project based learning as foundations for our program. Where possible, we love to collaborate with each other, across grades, classes and subjects! Currently, the grade 6,7,8's are engaged in a cross-grade project that is composed of the environmental science found in each year. Students are currently working on how to create a model that represents each of the ecosystems, and how they interact with each other. In grade 6, students learn about Trees and Forests. In grade 7, students learn about Ecosystems and Biomes, and cycles found within them. In grade 8, students study Fresh and Saltwater ecosystems. Each of these ecosystems works independently, but also in tandem with each other. Students have been tasked with collaborating and compromising in order to design their model. We hope to have an open science fair where visitors can come explore and learn all about how these ecosystems interact in the near future!
Great job to all the students and staff working so well together!
To view photos, click on this link.