Parent - Teacher Conferences Coming Soon!

We are looking forward to parent/teacher conversations that are quickly approaching and wanted to take a moment to explain the options that you have to connect with your child’s teacher. It continues to be our goal to foster open communication between parents and the school especially when it comes to understanding students strengths and opportunities for growth. Parents and teachers working together to support the students provides the best opportunity to maximize student success in school.
Recognizing that schedules can be difficult to align, we are providing some options for families to connect with their child’s teacher. Parent/Teacher conversations will be happening between October 31st and November 10th. You can expect an email from your child’s teacher prior to these dates that outlines times available to connect between these dates. We are also aiming to provide some flexibility in terms of what is most convenient for you to connect with your child’s teacher. You can either request an in person meeting, a phone call, or a virtual meeting via google meet. We hope this flexibility will allow you to have a meaningful conversation with your child’s teacher about how your child is doing in school.
If you have any questions about upcoming parent/teacher conversations please contact us at the school office.
Have a great day.
Travis McNaughton
Principal, Connections for Learning