Updates on School Council & PAC Meetings

A couple of weeks ago, you should have received an email asking for feedback regarding participation in school council and program advisory council meetings. Thanks to everyone who took a minute to provide your feedback. As indicated in the survey we are looking to provide opportunities for parent and community engagement in two key ways:
1) School Council - applicable to all programs in Connections for Learning. Ideally, we would like representation from all programs at our school council meetings.
2) Program Advisory Council (PAC) - applicable to specific programs and is a great opportunity to provide feedback and volunteerism for specific programs.
Based on the feedback we received, below is our initial plan for these meetings. We have scheduled all of these meetings as Virtual Meetings for now; however, should circumstances allow us to meet in person we will look to change that when and where it would be applicable. Additionally, as we begin these meetings we can plan on adding additional meetings when necessary on an as needed basis. All of these dates will be added to our website school calendar as well for future reference which can be found at this link.
Please see attached schedule: