Orange Shirt Day September 29, 2022

Orange Shirt Day September 29, 2022 was created as an opportunity to discuss the effects of residential schools and their legacy. We encourage all staff and students to wear a orange shirt on this day.
It honors the experiences of Indigenous Peoples, celebrates resilience and affirms a commitment that every child matters.
National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (No School) September 30, 2022
Parkland School Division will observe the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation on Friday, September 30, 2022.
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was created to give everyone an opportunity to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools, which more than 150,000 First Nations, Metis and Inuit children were forced to attend between the 1870s and 1997.
All Parkland School Division schools and buildings will be closed on September 30, 2022, giving students and staff the opportunity to properly observe the day at home. The decision comes after consultation with neighboring school jurisdictions and engagement with school councils across PSD. Flags will be flown half mast across Parkland School Division.